View Profile TheNakedNinja

54 Movie Reviews

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That's all this one seemed to have was art. It didn't make me laugh at any point and the voices eventually made it unbearable to finish, but it looked great.

It seemed that the final project was rushed and the result was too slow.

I liked it.

It was captivating enough to keep my attention, the music fit really well and the animation was very stylish. All around, I enjoyed it.

Gran trabajo. Quisiera ver más de usted.

I really liked it.

Your animation/art is top notch, the voice execution can be iffy though. No matter the situation it's always the same tone.

If you got some better voice acting and some better jokes behind this, I could really see it on TV in the future.

Definately one of my favs

If not the best action series on Newgrounds. They just get better and better, I can't wait for the next one. Your movies are very inspirational.


These type of movies always catch my interest as an artist. You are a really good animator and I really idolize you for this work.


What a strange movie, it was really captivating. When I finished watching it I felt as if I just woke up from a dream, how bizarre.

You are an amazing story teller, good job.

Great humor.

I could actually see something like this making it into Adult Swim, lol.

My favorite part was how theguy's hand was backwards.

That's funny

I enjoyed that, great parody idea but maybe a longer sneak peak?

Nice art and a good chuckle.

I thought it was amusing, very short but to the point... I'd like to see what else you could make.

Your art is very professional so good work.

It was pretty dry.

It had the chance of being funny, but then it really wasn't. It wasn't bad for your first submission though, my first one sucked ass too so no harm done, we all have to learn somewhere.

It's not as bad as half the junk that comes through here so I passed it, but next time possibly work on your jokes a little and get a few extra voices, the monotonus pilot wasn't too funny. Make that an announcer's voice and that probably would've made me laugh.

MR-HOMO responds:

Thanks for the advice, and I'll be sure to work on my jokes in future. Thanks for not blamming it!

Don't worry, you can't see me anyway...

Age 39, Male

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Lake George, NY

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